Point of Entry x Safe Horizon Anti-Trafficking Program
Point of Entry is a series of oil paintings depicting people’s scars and sites of somatic healing. Each intimate portrait is painted on a piece of broken mirror, allowing the viewer to see themselves reflected within. Together these pieces allude to being part of a larger, imperfect mosaic of community and invites the viewer to glimpse into a life outside their own and see a part of themselves.
Point of Entry seeks to amplify narratives from marginalized communities that disproportionately experience mental illness, but whose stories are vastly underrepresented in our conversations about mental health. In light of this mission, the project is collaborating with Safe Horizon, a non-profit organization that provides services to victims of crimes. Since 2001, the Anti-Trafficking Program (ATP) has provided trauma-informed intensive case management, psychotherapy, and legal assistance to trafficking survivors.
An exhibition of these paintings was held in Wanderlife Gallery in South Philadelphia from November 4th - December 3rd, 2022.
so many skins, since
An artist explores how trauma affects identity through his work and taps into all aspects of himself.
A couple shares how they’ve learned to understand and express their emotions while navigating a new country and overcoming its systemic obstacles.
A Window
A trans woman describes her journey out of homelessness and how she has embraced all parts of herself
Nothing is Permanent
A Khmer Rougue survivor exemplifies inner strength and describes how he reflects on his past experiences to summon the positivity needed to overcome life’s obstacles.
Being Seen
A young Black woman practices celebrating being seen as she navigates a complicated world
Practice Courage/Practica el Coraje
A trans survivor talks about her fight to survive and how she summons the courage to become an activist for the LGBTQ+ community and trafficking survivors.
Una sobreviviente trans habla sobre su lucha por sobrevivir y como activa el coraje para ser activista por la comunidad LGBTQ+ y sobrevivientes de la trata.
Butterfly Gallery
In March 2022, we conducted an art making workshop for trafficking survivors in which they made their own butterflies. In November 2022, visitors to the Safe Horizon ATP Exhibition will be able to make their own, adding to the colorful mural. Please enjoy the collection.
Visit the Exhibition
To RSVP to the Point of Entry x Safe Horizon ATP Exhibition at Wanderlife Gallery in South Philadelphia.
Open November 4th - December 3rd, 2022
National Human Trafficking Hotline
The National Human Trafficking Hotline connects victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking with services and supports to get help and stay safe. The Trafficking Hotline also receives tips about potential situations of sex and labor trafficking and facilitates reporting that information to the appropriate authorities in certain cases.
Phone: 1 (888) 373-7888
SMS: 233733 (Text "HELP" or "INFO").
Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week
Languages: English, Spanish and 200 more languages
Website: humantraffickinghotline.orgFreedom Network
Freedom Network USA is dedicated to a human rights-based approach to human trafficking. Protecting the rights of each individual survivor is the only path to restoring their dignity and giving them the opportunity they deserve to pursue a better life. This commitment to human rights ties the network together as it works toward the common goal of ending human trafficking.
Phone: (202) 768-7338
Email: info@freedomnetworkusa.org
Website: freedomnetworkusa.org/Polaris Project
Polaris is leading a data-driven social justice movement that reduces, prevents and ultimately ends sex and labor trafficking and supports survivors on their paths toward freedom and healing. There's no obvious roadmap for this work, but our detailed analysis of how trafficking operations work in the United States and how they intersect with the legitimate worlds of business, finance, government and society, helped us focus on how we can have the greatest impact.
Website: polarisproject.org
Safe Horizon ATP (NYC based)
Safe Horizon ATP (NYC based) Safe Horizon Anti-Trafficking Program (ATP) is dedicated to supporting survivors of labor and sex trafficking in New York City. ATP is one of the largest direct service providers to victims of human trafficking on the east coast. They provide both legal and case management services to all victims of human trafficking – labor and sex trafficking – including men, women, children, foreign nationals or U.S. citizens. ATP helps children and adults regardless of gender or gender identity so they can heal emotionally, find justice, and rebuild their lives.
Address: 50 Court Street - 8th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: 718-943-8631
Website: safehorizon.org/anti-trafficking-programJustice At Work (Philadelphia based)
Justice At Work specializes in providing free legal representation to victims of labor trafficking as well as other communities of workers. Justice At Work assists with recovering unpaid wages, obtaining lawful immigration status for individuals and their families, and connecting communities with resources that provide services victims of trafficking.
Address: 990 Spring Garden Street, Suite 300, Philadelphia, PA 19123
Phone: 215-733-0878
Website: justiceatworklegalaid.orgjusticeatworklegalaid.orgHebrew International Aid Society (Philadelphia Based)
Hebrew International Aid Society HIAS PA provides free legal and immigration services to survivors of trafficking. Their legal aide also includes guidance for survivors interacting with law enforcement, assistance with obtaining legal status, and other referrals to immigrant social services.
Address: 600 Chestnut St., Suite 500B Philadelphia, PA 19106
Phone: 215-832-0900
Website: www.hias.org/Nationalities Service Center (Philadelphia based)
Nationalities Service Center provides intensive case management services to support with basic needs, safety planning, acquiring public benefits, and other referrals for physical and mental health providers. NSC also assists individuals with obtaining long term immigration status, supporting survivors when working with law enforcement and assessing for other legal needs.
Address: 1216 Arch Street, 4th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: 215-893-8400
Website: nscphila.orgWomen Against Abuse (Philadelphia Based)
Women Against Abuse, a 501(c)3 nonprofit agency, is Philadelphia’s leading domestic violence advocate and service provider and among the largest domestic violence agencies in the country. The Women Against Abuse Legal Center is among the first in the nation dedicated to survivors of domestic violence.
24 Hour Hotline: 1-866-72-3014
Website: womenagainstabuse.org/Helping Survivors
Helping Survivors works to educate and empower individuals impacted by sexual abuse including information, connections, and resources to help them seek accountability and healing.
Nationalities Service Center (Philadelphia based)
Nationalities Service Center provides intensive case management services to support with basic needs, safety planning, acquiring public benefits, and other referrals for physical and mental health providers. NSC also assists individuals with obtaining long term immigration status, supporting survivors when working with law enforcement and assessing for other legal needs.
Address: Nationalities Service Center 1216 Arch Street, 4th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107
Website: nscphila.org/WOAR (Women Organized Against Rape)
WOAR, Philadelphia's only rape crisis center, provides free counseling and trauma therapy services to child, teen, and adult survivors of sexual violence, including survivors of sex trafficking. Free counseling and trauma therapy services offered include individual and group sessions. Folks in need of WOAR services do not require insurance. WOAR's Sex Trafficking Advocacy and Response Team also assists with crisis support, sex trafficking assessment, prevention/education, and advocacy.
Address: 1617 John F Kennedy Blvd., Suite 800
WOAR 24 Hour Hotline: 215-985-3333
Website: woar.orgAct Up Philadelphia (AIDS) (Philadelphia based)
ACT UP stands for the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power. We are a diverse, non-partisan group, united in anger, and committed to ending the AIDS crisis through direct action.
Meetings available every Monday night (except major holidays) from 6-8pm at the William Way LGBT Community Center at 1315 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. During COVID: email actupphilly@gmail.com for the Zoom link
Website: www.actupphilly.org/
Email: actupphilly@gmail.com
Phone: 215-360-3086Women in Transition (Philadelphia based)
Women in Transition WIT offers free and confidential services in Philadelphia: telephone and crisis counseling, peer support groups, individual empowerment counseling, client advocacy and referrals, community education trainings, and WAVE empowerment self-defense classes. WIT was founded in 1971. Contact them for support, resources, advocacy, safety planning, and education about domestic violence and substance abuse. Their services are available for people of any gender identity and sexual orientation, ages 14 and older.
Email: witservices@helpwomen.org
Phone: (215)-751-1111
Website: www.helpwomen.org/La Puerta Abierta (Philadelphia based)
La Puerta Abierta LPA offers a bilingual, culturally and trauma-informed source of pro bono counseling support that is flexible and accessible. They work to standardize the care offered to constituents while being responsive to the complicated needs and issues facing this diverse community. They educate and train mental health providers and others who work with immigrants, to help them understand the broad range of migration, acculturative, and family stressors that can affect the mental and behavioral health of immigrant families.
Address: 2141 N. Howard Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122
(LPA is co-located with) Norris Square Neighborhood Project
Phone: 267-245-0145
Email: info@lpa-theopendoor.org
Website: lpa-theopendoor.orgMazonni Center (Philadelphia based)
The Mazonni Center provides quality comprehensive health and wellness services in an LGBTQ-focused environment, while preserving the dignity and improving the quality of life of the individuals we serve.
Website: https://www.mazzonicenter.org/|
Health Center Front Desk: 215-563-0658
Therapy Intake Line: 215-563-0652 ext. 248
Address: 1201 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 -
Women Against Abuse (Philadelphia based)
Women Against Abuse Women Against Abuse strives to provide a continuum of care—from telephone crisis counseling to long-term supportive housing in a manner that promotes victim safety, autonomy and dignity. Since 1977, Women Against Abuse has operated Philadelphia's only safe havens for survivors of domestic violence. Women Against Abuse operates the region's first transitional housing program for survivors with children (Soujourner's House).
Address: 100 S Broad St #1341, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 215-386-1280
Website: womenagainstabuse.orgWomen Against Abuse - Safe At Home Program
Women Against Abuse is Philadelphia's leading domestic violence advocate and service provider. Their Legal Center offers free legal advocacy and representation for survivors of all gender identities dealing with relationship violence-related legal matters
Address: 100 S Broad St #1341, Philadelphia, PA 19102
24 Hour Hotline: 1-866-72-3014
Website: womenagainstabuse.orgDawn’s Place (Philadelphia Based)
Dawn's Place in Philadelphia offers a year-long residential program to survivors of commercial sexual exploitation or sex trafficking. The comprehensive programming at Dawn's Place supports individuals by addressing their complex needs including trauma services, substance use disorders, legal and educational concerns and more.
Email: info@ahomefordawn.org
Phone: 215-849-2396
Website: ahomefordawn.orgCovenant House (Germantown Based)
Covenant House Covenant House is a youth shelter in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. They provide direct care to juvenile victims of trafficking experiencing homelessness. In addition, they also have other housing programs available to youth who complete their shelter program. Covenant House Pennsylvania staff are trained to support LGBTQ individuals.
Address: 31 E. Armat Street Philadelphia PA 19144
Phone: 215-951-5411
Email: development@covenanthousepa.org
Website: covenanthousepa.orgPhilly Eviction Prevention Project (Philadelphia based)
Philly Tenant.org is the product of a collaboration of legal services and advocacy organizations in Philadelphia including AIDS Law Project, Community Legal Services, Dechert LLP, HELP: MLP, Legal Clinic for the Disabled, Philadelphia Legal Assistance, Philly VIP, SeniorLAW Center, and Tenant Union Representative Network
Philly Tenant Hotline: 267-443-2500
Website: phillytenant.orgPhiladelphia Housing Action (Philadelphia based)
Philadelphia Housing Action is a coalition formed over the winter of 2019-2020 between Black and Brown Worker Cooperative, Workers Revolutionary Collective and OccupyPHA. Members are grounded in years of agitation, work and advocacy informed by our collective experiences of homelessness, institutionalization, incarceration, family separation, foster care, public housing, interpersonal violence, immigration, substance use, mental health and all other forms of discrimination and oppression.
Email: philadelphiahousingaction@protonmail.com
Website: philadelphiahousingaction.info/in-the-news/Hub of Home
The Hub of Hope offers a safe place where those who are experiencing homelessness can enjoy coffee, take a shower, do laundry, and speak to peers or resource coordinators to begin the process of finding a permanent home. Hub of Hope offers a range of health care services, including primary medical care, behavioral health care, and reproductive health services.
Address: 1400 Arch Street, Sub Concourse Level, Municipal Services Building Philadelphia, PA 19102
Phone: 215-309-5225
Website: projecthome.org/hub-hope -
Resources for Human Development
Since 1970, Resources for Human Development has provided a wide range of services for the most vulnerable members of our society. People with developmental disabilities, people with mental health challenges, people in addiction recovery, children and families, and those experiencing homelessness have all benefited from RHD programs. Their program Morris Home is the only residential recovery program in the country to offer comprehensive services specifically for the transgender community.
Website: rhd.org
Act Up Philadelphia (AIDS)
ACT UP stands for the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power. They are a diverse, non-partisan group, united in anger, and committed to ending the AIDS crisis through direct action. Meetings available every Monday night from 6-8pm at the William Way LGBT Community Center. During COVID: email for the Zoom link
Email: actupphilly@gmail.com
Phone: 215-360-3086
Website: actupphilly.orgSavage Sisters Recovery
Savage Sisters is committed to providing thoughtful, trauma informed resources for those recovering from substance use disorders including housing
Website: savagesisters.org
In 1984 Philabundance, started out as a small food rescue operating out of a Subaru. 30+ years later, it is an innovative, impactful and collaborative organization distributing millions of pounds of food a year to those in need. Enter your zip code on their website to find free food resources at the locations closest to you.
Website: philabundance.org/find-food
Juntos is a community-led, Latinx immigrant organization in South Philadelphia fighting for our human rights as workers, parents, youth, and immigrants. Programs include the Solidarity Bank initiative to get food and other resources to our underserved immigrant families in Philadelphia and Community Resistance Zones that create an area where neighbors know exactly what their rights are when it comes to ICE & police.
Website: vamosjuntos.org
Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition (PICC)
PICC's mission centers on advocating for pro-immigrant and pro-refugee policies at the local, state, and federal levels. Every two years PICC member organizations come together to choose the organization's issue and campaign priorities. Right now, these issues are
(1) Education Justice, access to safe and welcoming schools with tuition equity policies, language access, and adequate funding
(2) Enforcement Resistance, fighting back against criminalization and deportation of immigrants and
(3) Federal Immigration Policy, promoting just and humane federal immigration policies.Website: paimmigrant.org
Homies Helping Homies
Homies Helping Homies is a community mutual aid initiative focusing on food and household item distribution in the Point Breeze neighborhood of South Philadelphia.
Website: homieshelpinghomies.com
South Philadelphia Community Fridge
We're a community-centered, volunteer-based organization dedicated to giving all Philadelphians access to fresh and healthy food, combatting food insecurity and inequality in our city through mutual aid. We partner with local grocers and restaurants to stock this fridge with perfectly good produce, pantry staples, and prepared foods that would otherwise be thrown out.
Website: southphillyfridge.com
African Cultural Alliance of North America (ACANA)
ACANA was founded in 1999 by a group of African musicians who sought to help establish themselves in the United States as artists. By the early 2000's however, the organization expanded its goals to include providing social, health and legal services for the African immigrant and refugee community in Philadelphia. This expansion was due in large part to the influx of African refugees fleeing war in various West African countries, including Liberia, Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast. Today, ACANA provides a variety of services that encourage education, community development and integration while still preserving cultural values
Website: acanaus.org
Philly We Rise
Philly We Rise lists online resources for taking action on your block, in your neighborhood, in your community, for the world we all deserve. Philly We Rise is independent of any political party or affiliation.
Website: phillywerise.com
Resources for Trafficking Survivors
For emergencies please contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline 1 (888) 373-7888 or 911
Point of Entry x Safe Horizon Anti-Trafficking Program
Special thanks to Safe Horizon Anti-Trafficking Program and Heidi Chiu for their collaboration in this project.
Thanks to the Center for Emerging Visual Artists, Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (with support from the Knight Foundation), and the Puffin Foundation for their support of this project.