Point of Entry x Women Against Abuse
Point of Entry is a series of oil paintings depicting people’s scars and sites of somatic healing. Each intimate portrait is painted on a piece of broken mirror, allowing the viewer to see themselves reflected within. Together these pieces allude to being part of a larger, imperfect mosaic of community and invites the viewer to glimpse into a life outside their own and see a part of themselves.
Point of Entry seeks to amplify narratives from marginalized communities that disproportionately experience mental illness, but whose stories are vastly underrepresented in our conversations about mental health. In light of this mission, the project is collaborating with Women Against Abuse, Philadelphia’s leading domestic and intimate partner violence advocate and service provider and among the largest domestic violence agencies in the country.
An exhibition of these paintings was held in Walls for Justice Gallery on Cherry Street Pier from June 7th - July 7th, 2024.
Practice Courage/Practica el Coraje
A trans survivor talks about her fight to survive and how she summons the courage to become an activist for the LGBTQ+ community and trafficking survivors.
En Español tambien.
A trans survivor embraces her innate value and worth.
A father shows how he navigates vulnerability and found power through the love of his family.
My Smile
A therapist shares her journey of embracing her inner child and thriving in the face of her challenges.
Do It Afraid
A former MMA fighter describes how she learned to show up for herself and empower others to do the same.
Creative Beast
An artist reclaims her voice through her creations and shows how to practice tenderness while exploring personal and national legacies of violence.
Media Gallery
Check out more videos from the exhibition and Women Against Abuse here!
Butterfly Gallery
Coming Soon!
Resources for Domestic & Intimate Partner Violence Survivors
For emergencies please contact the Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-866-723-3014
Domestic Violence Hotline
The Philadelphia Domestic Violence Hotline serves as a citywide point of access for crisis counseling, safety planning, resources, referrals, and intake to the Women Against Abuse (WAA) safe havens. Last year, hotline counselors answered 10,938 calls. The hotline is available 24/7. All calls are confidential.
Trauma Informed Services
Founded on a model of empowerment that prioritizes client self-determination, WAA’s programs are trauma-informed and prioritize client autonomy and safety.
Emergency Safe Havens (More information under Shelters)
WAA’s two 100-bed safe havens are the only emergency shelters in Philadelphia dedicated to the needs of people experiencing intimate partner violence. WAA provides comprehensive, trauma-informed care, including case management, therapy, children’s services, and more! The safe havens serve approximately 1,200 survivors each year, more than 50% of whom are children. The safe havens serve survivors of all gender identities.
Legal Center
The WAA Legal Center provides free attorney representation, court advocacy, and telephone counseling to thousands of individuals each year. The Legal Center also pioneers innovative programs to expand access to legal services, including the Telephone Outreach Project (a partnership with law enforcement) which provides early intervention to high-risk victims of domestic violence after a 911 call and the “Fast Track” representation program, which places attorneys directly in Philadelphia’s domestic violence courts.
WAA has continually engaged the public to increase awareness of intimate partner violence, challenge prevalent stigma, and train the community to effectively intervene in the cycle of abuse. Their educators work with hundreds of students and homeless runaway youth to promote healthy relationships through the S.A.F.E.R.™ prevention program. They also train first responders and professionals to screen for signs of abuse and to appropriately support individuals experiencing violence.
WAA’s Policy Department is also at the forefront of advocating for funding and legislation that protect survivors at the local, state and national level.
Women Against Abuse
Women Against Abuse is Philadelphia’s leading domestic violence advocate and service provider. Their Legal Center offers free legal advocacy and representation for survivors of all gender identities dealing with relationship violence-related legal matters.
100 S Broad St #1341, Philadelphia, PA 19102
24 Hour Hotline: 1-866-723-3014 | womenagainstabuse.org
Women’s Law Project
Women’s Law Project provides support in family court through ongoing advocacy, calls for policy reform and daily personalized assistance via their Telephone & Information Referral Service. They also have resources regarding reproductive justice.
125 S. 9th Street, Suite 300, Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-928-9801 | info@womenslawproject.org | womenslawproject.org
Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network
The Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network is a statewide consortium of independent legal aid programs. We coordinate the delivery of civil legal assistance to the Pennsylvanians who need it most.
118 Locust Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101-1414
717-236-9486 | palegalaid.net/contact
Hebrew International Aid Society
HIAS PA provides free legal and immigration services to survivors of trafficking. Their legal aide also includes guidance for survivors interacting with law enforcement, assistance with obtaining legal status, and other referrals to immigrant social services.
600 Chestnut St, Suite 500B, Philadelphia, PA 19106
215-832-0900 | hias.org
Nationalities Service Center
Nationalities Service Center provides intensive case management services to support with basic needs, safety planning, acquiring public benefits, and other referrals for physical and mental health providers. NSC also assists individuals with obtaining long term immigration status, supporting survivors when working with law enforcement and assessing for other legal needs.
1216 Arch Street, 4th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-893-8400 | help@nscphila.org | nscphila.org
Dinah Philadelphia
Dinah offers confidential domestic abuse case management, legal services, referral management, and educational programming to the Greater Philadelphia region in a culturally sensitive and caring environment. Dinah offers help through a Jewish lens to all who seek their services.
21 South 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-645-2142 | info@dinahphilly.org | dinahphilly.org
Helping Survivors
Helping Survivors works to educate and empower individuals impacted by sexual abuse including information, connections, and resources to help them seek accountability and healing.
WOAR (Women Organized Against Rape)
WOAR provides FREE trauma informed therapy services to children and adults who have experienced sexual violence. It does not matter if the sexual trauma occurred yesterday or 60 years ago. WOAR works with everyone.
1617 John F Kennedy Blvd, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19103
WOAR 24 Hour Hotline: 215-985-3333 | woar.org
El Congreso
The Latina Domestic Violence Program (LDVP) is a free, confidential, and voluntary counseling and advocacy program for victims and survivors of domestic violence. Congreso also offer domestic violence services to teens and youth. En español también.
Ramona Peralta, Program Manager | Phone: 215-763-8870 ext. 1300
Please leave a message with a safe phone number and time to call back. | congreso.net
Women in Transition
WIT offers free and confidential services in Philadelphia: telephone and crisis counseling, peer support groups, individual counseling, client advocacy and referrals, community education trainings, and WAVE empowerment self-defense classes. Their services are available for people of any gender identity, ages 14 & older.
215-751-1111 | witservices@helpwomen.org | helpwomen.org
Lutheran Settlement House
The Bilingual Domestic Violence Program (BDVP) provides free counseling services for victims and survivors of domestic and dating abuse regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
Main Contact Person: Olivia Taduran | otaduran@lshphilly.org
215-426-8610, ext. 1245 | lutheransettlement.org
Mazonni Center
The Mazonni Center provides quality comprehensive health and wellness services in an LGBTQ-focused environment, while preserving the dignity and improving the quality of life of the individuals we serve.
1201 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 & 1348 Bainbridge Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147 | Health Center Front Desk: 215-563-0658 | Therapy Intake Line: 215-563-0652 | mazzonicenter.org
Nationalities Service Center
Nationalities Service Center provides intensive case management services to support with basic needs, safety planning, acquiring public benefits, and other referrals for physical and mental health providers.
1216 Arch Street, 4th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-893-8400 | help@nscphila.org | nscphila.org
Purple House Project
PHP’s mission is to Strengthen, Empower, and Transition women impacted by Intimate Partner Violence via connection to essential resources that aid in the healing including resource guides and programs.
purplehouseprojectpa.org/contact-us | purplehouseprojectpa.org
Courdea is a Philadelphia-based intervention, treatment, training and education program working to stop harmful behavior and intimate partner violence. They provide therapy for people who have been physically or emotionally hurtful towards their partners and others and wish to change. Their clients learn to stop harmful patterns of behavior and become more loving, peaceful, attentive and caring instead.
215-242-2235 | office@courdea.org | courdea.org
Women Against Abuse
Women Against Abuse (WAA) strives to provide a continuum of care—from telephone crisis counseling to long-term supportive housing—in a manner that promotes victim safety, autonomy and dignity. Since 1977, WAA has operated Philadelphia’s only safe havens for survivors of domestic violence. WAA operates the region’s first transitional housing program for survivors with children (Sojourner’s House).
Women Against Abuse - Safe At Home Program
Safe at Home Program provides community-based case management paired with housing supports, as available, to survivors of domestic violence of all gender identities. The program includes linkages to a limited number of safe, affordable housing units, as well as relocation assistance and rental subsidies, options counseling, advocacy and education to help survivors maintain safe and affordable housing while developing financial literacy and life-skills for long-term self-sufficiency.
100 S Broad St #1341, Philadelphia, PA 19102
24 Hour Hotline: 1-866-723-3014 | womenagainstabuse.org
Dawn’s Place
Dawn’s Place is Philadelphia’s first residential recovery home and program for women recovering from the trauma of sex trafficking.
215-849-2396 | info@ahomefordawn.org | ahomefordawn.org
Covenant House
Covenant House builds a bridge to hope for young people facing homelessness and survivors of trafficking through unconditional love, absolute respect, and relentless support. Their doors are open 24/7 in 31 cities across six countries and their programs are designed to empower young people to rise and overcome adversity.
31 East Armat Street, Philadelphia, PA 19144
1-800-388-3888 | covenanthousepa.org
Philly Eviction Prevention Project
In 2017, City Council, the Mayor and legal services agencies partnered to create the Philadelphia Eviction Prevention Project (PEPP), an innovative project to assist tenants facing eviction through legal representation, financial counseling, a live hotline, a court help center, community trainings & educational materials.
267-443-2500 | phillytenant.org
Hub of Home
The Hub of Hope offers a safe place where people who are experiencing homelessness can enjoy a warm cup of coffee, take a shower, wash their laundry, and speak to peers or resource coordinators and ultimately, begin the process of finding a permanent home.
Enter the Hub of Hope through Dilworth Plaza, on the southeast corner of 15th & JFK. (Look for Dilworth Park Café, and steps leading from the street, down to 15th Street Trolley Station) | 215-309-5225 | projecthome.org/hub-hope
Victims Compensation Assistance Program (VCAP)
Provides help to victims and their families through the emotional and physical aftermath of a crime by easing the financial impact placed upon them by the crime.
1-800-233-2339 or 717-783-5153 | pccd.pa.gov/victim-services
Philadelphia Office of the Victim Advocate (OVA)
The Office of the Victim Advocate (OVA) works on behalf of victims of violent crime in Philadelphia. OVA assists victims and their loved ones by assessing their needs, identifying viable short-term and long-term solutions, and connecting them with resources and services. Additionally, OVA works towards addressing systemic barriers at both state and local policy levels, advocating for victims’ rights within law enforcement systems and city government, and supporting local victim service agency partners to enhance services delivered and increase their capacity to serve victims.
215 686-2115 | victim.advocate@phila.gov
Resources for Human Development
Resources for Human Development has provided a wide range of services for people with developmental disabilities, mental health challenges, in addiction recovery, children and families, and those experiencing homelessness have all benefited from RHD programs. Their program Morris Home is the only residential recovery program in the country to offer comprehensive services specifically for the transgender community.
4700 Wissahickon Avenue, Suite #126, Philadelphia, PA 19144
215-849-7360 | rhd.org/contact-us | rhd.org
Women’s Way
Women’s Way is dedicated to advancing reproductive justice and sexual health, increasing safety against gender-based violence, promoting economic self-sufficiency & justice, and developing the leadership of girls and young women. | womensway.org
Savage Sisters Recovery
Savage Sisters is committed to providing thoughtful, trauma informed resources for those recovering from substance use disorders including housing. | savagesisters.org
In 1984 Philabundance started out as a small food rescue operating out of a Subaru. 30+ years later, it is an innovative, impactful and collaborative organization distributing millions of pounds of food a year to those in need. Enter your zip code on their website to find free food resources at the locations closest to you. | philabundance.org/find-food
Juntos is a community-led, Latinx immigrant organization in South Philadelphia fighting for our human rights as workers, parents, youth, and immigrants. Programs include the Solidarity Bank initiative to get food and other resources to our underserved immigrant families in Philadelphia and Community Resistance Zones that create an area where neighbors know exactly what their rights are when it comes to ICE & police. | vamosjuntos.org
Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition
PICC’s mission centers on advocating for pro-immigrant and pro-refugee policies at the local, state, and federal levels. Every two years PICC member organizations come together to choose the organization’s issue and campaign priorities. | paimmigrant.org
South Philadelphia Community Fridge
A community-centered, volunteer-based organization dedicated to giving all Philadelphians access to fresh and healthy food, combatting food insecurity and inequality in our city through mutual aid. They partner with local grocers and restaurants to stock this fridge with perfectly good produce, pantry staples, and prepared foods that would otherwise be thrown out. | southphillyfridge.com
Homies Helping Homies
Homies Helping Homies is a community mutual aid initiative focusing on food and household item distribution in the Point Breeze neighborhood of South Philadelphia. | homieshelpinghomies.com
Point of Entry x Women Against Abuse
Special thanks to Women Against Abuse and Niki DelRossi for their collaboration in this project.
We'd like to also thank The Puffin Foundation Ltd. and the Center for Emerging Visual Artists (CFEVA) for their support of this project.