Point of Entry is a project on empathy, healing, and hope.
These narratives are built from interviews on their experiences of how they overcame adversity, defied societal expectations, and healed from trauma.
Each piece of this mosaic invites the viewer to engage in the empathetic exchange of glimpsing into a life not their own and seeing a part of themselves.
My Smile
A therapist shares her journey of embracing her inner child and thriving in the face of her challenges.
A father shows how he navigates vulnerability and found power through the love of his family.
Creative Beast
An artist reclaims her voice through her creations and shows how to practice tenderness while exploring personal and national legacies of violence.
A trans survivor embraces her innate value and worth.
Practice Courage/Practica el Coraje
A trans survivor talks about her fight to survive and how she summons the courage to become an activist for the LGBTQ+ community and trafficking survivors.
Una sobreviviente trans habla sobre su lucha por sobrevivir y como activa el coraje para ser activista por la comunidad LGBTQ+ y sobrevivientes de la trata.
A couple shares how they’ve learned to understand and express their emotions while navigating a new country and overcoming its systemic obstacles.
Do It Afraid
A former MMA fighter describes how she learned to show up for herself and empower others to do the same.
A trans artist (they/them) from rural Pennsylvania who learned how to cultivate their own sense of belonging.
The Journey
A woman (she/her) travels through China to re-connect with her family lineage and find a personal drive within herself.
A Window
A trans woman describes her journey out of homelessness and how she has embraced all parts of herself.
so many skins, since
An artist (he/him) explores how trauma affects identity through his work and taps into all aspects of himself.
Nothing is Permanent
A Khmer Rougue survivor (he/him) exemplifies inner strength and describes how he reflects on his past experiences to summon the positivity needed to overcome life’s obstacles.
Being Seen
A young Black woman practices celebrating being seen as she navigates a complicated world
More Stories Coming Soon
This is an ever-expanding and evolving project. If you would like to donate your scar and story, please click the button below.